Karol Rosén
Credit Controller
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 51
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 01
Email: karol.rosen@also.com

Kristina Vernersson
Marketing Manager, Solutions och Cloud
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 12
Email: kristina.vernersson@also.com

Magnus Jonsson
Marketing Manager, Supply och E-Com
Parental leave - tom Aug 2023
Mobil: +46 (0)703 73 56 97
Email: magnus.jonsson@also.com

Emil Öman
CRM Consumptional Lead
Mobil: +46 768300133
Email: emil.oman@also.com

Karina Westlund
Office Manager / Assistant
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 12
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 08
Email: karina.westlund@also.com

Mehrdad Fahiminia
Business Support SE
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 08
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 08
Email: mehrdad.fahiminia@also.com

Anna Woodcock
Marketing Manager Supply Mobile
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 51
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 34
Email: anna.woodcock@also.com

Avelina Adelai
Student worker Marketing SE
Mobil: +46 70 781 66 45
Email: avelina.adelai@also.com

Fredrik Nicklasson
CCO / Sales Director B2B
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 10
Email: fredrik.nicklasson@also.com

Per Kjällström
Team Leader Inside Sales
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 05
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 05 37
Email: per.kjallstrom@also.com

Anette Borgenfalk
Teamleader Customer Sales Service
Direkt: +46 (0)8-633 90 18
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 02
Email: anette.borgenfalk@also.com

Ole Scharff
Sales Director Consumer, Nordics
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 02 90
Email: ole.scharff@also.com

Jörgen Norell
Key Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 07
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 03 17
Email: jorgen.norell@also.com

Johan Lundqvist
Key Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 92 05
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 85
Email: johan.lundqvist@also.com

Thomas Wilander
Key Account Manager
Mobil: +46 (0)708 33 15 29
Email: thomas.wilander@also.com

Kristoffer Gülenay
Account Manager
Mobil: +46 (0)768 00 00 98
Email: kristoffer.gulenay@also.com

Petrit Tahiri
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 02
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 03 16
Email: petrit.tahiri@also.com

Göran Sandberg
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 10
Mobil: +46 (0)727 06 60 01
Email: goran.sandberg@also.com

Rein Lindqvist
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8-633 91 43
Mobil: +46 (0)761 04 76 31
Email: rein.lindqvist@also.com

Jonatan Axelsson Björklund
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 73
Mobil: +46 (0)768 30 01 09
Email: jonatan.bjorklund@also.com

Martin Nordberg
Key Account Manager
Mobil: +46 (0)761 04 80 84
Email: martin.nordberg@also.com

Sara Gunnarsson
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 84
Mobil: +46(0)768 34 00 25
Email: sara.gunnarsson@also.com

Claudia Vrabl
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 74
Mobil: +46(0)768 34 03 45
Email: claudia.vrabl@also.com

Bahareh Frid
Inside Sales Agent
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 00
Mobil: +46 (0)768 00 07 43
Email: bahareh.frid@also.com

Rene Anker Pedersen
Account Manager
Direkt: +46 (0)8633 91 01
Email: rene.pedersen@also.com

Siri Rågeli
Customer Sales Service
Mobil: +46 (0)768 30 04 33
Email: siri.rageli@also.com

Mona Lundkvist
Customer Sales Service
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 75
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 06 38
Email: mona.lundkvist@also.com

Avan Rashid
Account Manager
Email: avan.rashid@also.com

Ellinore Kjällström
Ellinore Kjällström
Email: ellinore.kjallstrom@also.com

Karin Björk
Head of Supply Sweden - Regional Lead
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 95
Email: karin.bjork@also.com

Wictoria Isaksson
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Peripherals
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 91 09
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 58
Email: wictoria.isaksson@also.com

Tobias Pålsson
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Peripherals
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 62
Email: tobias.palsson@also.com

Roger Johansson
Product Manager - CoC Lenovo PCG Nordic
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 92 53
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 09 61
Email: roger.johansson@also.com

Håkan Walles
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Lenovo PCG
Direkt: +46 (0)768-34 40 02
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 40 02
Email: hakan.walles@also.com

Örjan Lövström
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Lenovo PCG
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 92 52
Mobil: + 46 (0)768 34 03 96
Email: orjan.lovstrom@also.com

Kicki Lindgren
Focus Sales Manager - CoC HP Commercial PC
Mobil: +46 (0)768 03 18
Email: kicki.lindgren@also.com

Mikael Larsson
Focus Sales Manager- CoC HP Commercial PC/3D Print
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 92 51
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 09 01
Email: mikael.larsson@also.com

Jesper Nilsson
Focus Sales Manager - CoC HP Print & Supplies
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 02 44
Email: jesper.nilsson@also.com

Petra Blom
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Print & Supplies
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 02 08
Email: petra.blom@also.com

Ulrika Segerfeldt
Focus Sales Manager
Direkt: +46 (0) 8 633 90 47
Mobil: +46 768 30 01 88
Email: ulrika.segerfeldt@also.com

Tim Jansson
Region Lead Nordic – CDS - Digital Signage
Direkt: +46 (0)8 633 90 67
Mobil: + 46 (0)768 34 02 29
Email: tim.jansson@also.com

Mattias Westman
Focus Sales Manager - CoC Components & Storage
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 56
Email: mattias.westman@also.com

Tobias Norrbom
Focus Sales Manager
Mobil: +46 (0)722 39 76 66
Email: tobias.norrbom@also.com

Mathias Alm
Focus Sales Manager
Mobil: + 46 (0)702 37 81 60
Email: mathias.alm@also.com

Mattias Jönsén
Focus Sales Manager -CoC Commercial Mobile & Computing
Mobil: +46 768 34 00 19
Email: mattias.jonsen@also.com

Monica Karlsson
Focus Sales Manager Dell
Mobil: +46 (0)724 44 00 64
Email: monica.karlsson@also.com

Benny Johansen
Head of Solutions
Mobil: +46 (0)768 26 33 33
Email: benny.johansen@also.com

Fredrik Dahlberg
Field Sales Specialist HPE
Mobil: +46 (0) 768 34 01 98
Email: fredrik.dahlberg@also.com

Jonas Kihl
Pre-Sales Specialist HPE
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 48
Email: jonas.kihl@also.com

Matz Järnström
Pre-Sales Specialist HPE
Mobil: +46 (0) 768 34 02 78
Email: matz.jarnstrom@also.com

Nana Kim Forsberg
Focus Sales Manager HPE
Direkt: +46 (0) 8 633 91 72
Mobil: + 46 709 63 39 90
Email: nana.forsbergt@also.com

Khaldoon Sahar
Focus Sales Manager Dell Solutions
Mobil: +46 (0) 768 34 00 21
Email: khaldoon.sahar@also.com

Pär Skytt
Focus Sales Manager Datacenter
Mobil: +46 (0)736 44 88 05
Email: par.skytt@also.com

Pontus Cervin
Sales Specialist Solutions
Mobil: +46(0)768 00 18 45
Email: pontus.cervin@also.com

Fredrik Nord
Field Sales Specialist
Direkt: +46 (0)86 33 90 94
Mobil: +46 (0)733 99 88 75
Email: fredrik.nord@also.com

Robin Möller
Inside Sales Manager Lenovo, Dell, Huawei
Mobile: +46(0)768 34 04 99
Email: robin.moller@also.com

Natalia Aparicio Cavero
Head of Consumptional Business
Consumptional Business
Mobil: +46 (0)707 81 66 45

André Aulund
Microsoft License Advisor
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 03
Email: andre.aulund@also.com

Cristobal Guerrero
Inside sales agent, Consumptional Business
Grupp:+46 (0) 8633 90 98
Mobil: +46 768 340 599
Email: cristobal.gurerrero@also.com

Carina Berglund
Channel Account Manager Consumptional Business
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 09 59
Email: carina.berglund@also.com

Magnus Drewsen
Sales Product Specialist, Consumptional Business
Mobil: + 46 768 34 00 66
Email: magnus.drewsen@also.com

Dan Nilsson
Cloud Sales Specialist Microsoft
Grupp: +46 (0)8 633 91 79
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 25
Email: dan.nilsson@also.com

Mattias Wikström
Consult Cloud Sales Specialist Microsoft
Mobil: +46 768 34 00 54
Email: mattias.wikstrom@also.com

Johan Classon
Pre-Sales Specialist Azure
Mobil: +46 730 75 54 30
Email: Johan.Classon@also.com

Tommy Tropp
Consult Azure
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 01 11
Email: tommy.tropp@also.com

Thom Talbäck
Channel Account Manager
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 00 75
Email: thom.talback@also.com

Martin Neumann
Cloud presales Modern work & Azure
Mobil: +46 (0)768 34 13 14
Email: martin.neumann@also.com

Johan Sjödin
Cloud Sales Specialist Adobe
Mobil: +46(0)761 00 57 50
Email: johan.sjodin@also.com

Agathe Richou
Platforms Product Manager ACMP
Mobil: +46(0)731 44 74 37
Email: agathe.richou@also.com

Samer Ighneim
Cloud Solution Architect, Azure
Mobil: +46 (0)761 33 22 26
Email: samer.ighneim@also.com