Gustavo Möller-Hergt

Gustavo Möller-Hergt

Member of the Board of Directors of ALSO Holding AG and Chairman since 2014. Chief Executive Officer of the ALSO Group and since 2011 a member of the Group Management.

Career Milestones

2011 until 2012 Chief Operating Officer ALSO Group
2008 until 2011 Chief Representative of the Droege Group
1992 until 2007 CEO and Chief Representative and previously in various positions with the Warsteiner Group
1998 until 2007 Member of the Supervisory Board of SIAC in Douala, Cameroon
1993 until 2007 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CASA Isenbeck, Buenos Aires, Argentinia


Diploma in Engineering from the Technical University, Munich, Germany, and graduate of Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. Doctorate from the Technical University, Berlin, Germany, where he lectures on technical management.

Other activities and vested interests

Member of the Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany, and of the Board of Trustees of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Bamberg, Germany.